Friday, August 30, 2013

30 Things You Didn't Know About Mrs. West Virginia International - Julie Warden

Here's a few fun facts about Julie Warden, Mrs. West Virginia International 2013! 

  1. I have 8 animals!  I LOVE furbabies!
  2. I have two older brothers and I LOVE that I grew up as the "Baby Girl"
  3. Daisies are my favorite flower
  4. Social Media is my weakness...I check my Facebook before I even get out of bed!
  5. I am on three different kids of medicine for my Rheumatoid Arthritis
  6. One of my major goals is to get a Pediatric Rheumatologist in West Virginia!
  7. I love statistics and infographics - I think if you know facts and stats, you can really make a point
  8. I high jumped at WVU
  9. I love running trails - we have property and I try to run or walk them as often as possible
  10. My husband and I are total opposites - and it makes us a perfect couple :)
  11. I met my husband at Jamboree in the Hills and I think it's SO embarrassing to tell that story
  12. I got married at The Clay Center in Charleston, WV and it was the most incredible day of my whole life...I married my best friend with my family and friends there and joined an amazing new family
  13. I recently WON a race with my husband - We raced a Polaris RZR in the WEXCR Race Series
  14. My favorite color is PINK
  15. I really do try to cook. I won't say I am good at it, but I enjoy trying...almost always
  16. My favorite actress is Isla Fisher - She is the redhead in Wedding Crashers and Confessions of a Shopaholic
  17. I believe in being a great friend and loving friends like family
  18. I hated my red hair when I was growing I love it
  19. I have strong family values. My family is the MOST important thing in my life
  20. I am extremely passionate about education
  21. I think I am addicted to spray tans
  22. I love Diet Coke
  23. I write articles and do the podium for the WEXCR Race Series and LOVE recognizing the racers. I've learned so much!
  24. During the fall, I am obsessed with pumpkin flavors and smells
  25. I love to shop...for, shoes, bags, movies, house items...ANYTHING.
  26. A lot of my friends are having babies or getting's giving me baby fever
  27. I have broken a ton of iPhones. I seriously shouldn't be allowed to have one
  28. If have a major sweet tooth...After every meal, I crave something sweet
  29. If I could have a chocolate dipped cone every day, I totally would
  30. Being a state titleholder has been the most incredible experience of my life. I LOVE representing our beautiful state and using my title as a voice and serving as a role model in WV!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Strong Representation from West Virginia at International Pageants!

In July, three of our titleholders traveled to Chicago to compete in the  Mrs, Miss and Miss Teen International pageants!

The girls did an incredible job representing the state of West Virginia with their strong platforms. You'll learn more about each of these girls and their platforms from this blog, but here is a quick highlight:

Mrs. West Virginia International - Julie Warden
Official Platform: Reigning Over Arthritis - Raising Awareness, Education, Fundraising and Support for the Arthritis Foundation

Visit her blog at

Miss West Virginia International - Kalyn Bordman
Official Platform: Organ Donation - Working with the CORE Foundation to educate others on organ donation

Miss Teen West Virginia International - Katie Gault-Wilson
Official Platform: Bullying - Encouraging youth to stand up against bullying


Welcome to the West Virginia International Pageant Official Blog!

Our state titleholders are embracing an incredible journey and we can't wait to share it with you!

Let's introduce you to our girls:

Mrs West Virginia International
Julie Warden

Miss West Virginia International
Kalyn Bordman

Miss Teen West Virginia International
Katie Gault-Wilson

Jr Miss West Virginia International
Brooklyn Buford

Ms West Virginia International
Lori Novak